Here you will find a wealth of information about Ardyss and the Opportunity you can achieve in health and wellness. Ardyss, Health & Wellness company that is revolutionizing the weight loss and network marketing industries. Ardyss was founded on the principles of: Integrity, Honesty and Faith, and has sparked a Reshaping Movement through out the United States and around the world. An Appointment With Ardyss WILL Change Your Life* Schedule your Makeover today
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What's Ailing You
This information is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to prescribe or diagnose or make claims for medical advice, directly or indirectly. If you have need for medical assistance, please contact your local physician, or medical practitioner. For Pricing and to place an order you may contact me via this link
Abscesses — Slippery Elm
Acne — SK-F, Red Clover
Ademia — Hawthorn Berries
Age Spots — Fo-Ti-Tieng, Gotu-Kola, FE-Y, RH, SH, SK-F
AIDS—C-1 & CKLS & Chaparral & Freed-om, Astragalus, Suma, Power
Purifier, Red Clover
Air Pollution — Devil’s Claw, Power Food
Allergies — Bee Pollen, RH, C-FU, Mullein (respiratory), Lobelia
Anemia — 4-PG, Alfalfa, Kelp
Aneurysm — Butcher’s Broom
Angina — Blessed Thistle
Angina Pectoris — Hawthorn Berries
Aphrodisiac — RH & SH, Damiana, Yohimbe
Appetite — CKLS
Arrhythmias — Hawthorn Berries
Arteriosclerosis — BP-1, Hawthorn Berries, Devil’s Claw, Butcher’s Broom
Arthritis — ART, CKLS, Wild Yam, Yucca, Lobelia, Hydrangea (calcium
deposits), Horsetail, Devil’s Claw (also rheumatoid)
Asthma — Bee Pollen, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Wild Yam,
Lobelia (acute attack)
Back Pain— Uva Ursi, Devil’s Claw (lower)
Bad Breath — Alfalfa, CKLS, DA
Baldness — HIR, Nettle, Sage
Bedwetting — Uva Ursi
Bee Stings & Insect Bites — Comfrey & Fenugreek
Bladder — Uva Ursi, Red Clover, Hydrangea (stones & infection), Horsetail, Devil’s Claw (strengthens)
Bleeding — Nettle (Internal & External), Horsetail (Internal)
Blood Pressure — BP-1, BP-2, Garlic, Hawthorn Berries, Nettle (high blood pressure)
Blood Purifier — Freed-om, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Nettle, Devil’s Claw, Blessed Thistle
Boils — Freed-om, Red Clover
Brain — Blessed Thistle (circulation to), Gotu Kola, Gingko & Gotu Kola, FE-Y, Gingko, GGFC
Breasts — Damiana, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle
Bronchitis — Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Red Clover, Nettle, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss (chronic)
Bruises — ART, Vitamin C, Comfrey & Fenugreek
Burns — Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Aloe Vera (the plant), Aloe Peppermint
Bursitis — ART, CKLS, Yucca
Calcium Deposits — Blessed Thistle
Cancer — C-1, Suma, Red Clover, Blessed Thistle
Canker Sores — Lobelia
Capillary Weakness — Butcher’s Broom
Catarrh — Hyssop (chronic), Burdock, Lobelia
Chicken Pox — Freed-om, Lobelia
Childbirth — 4-PG, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Lobelia, Red Raspberry
Childhood Diseases — Lobelia, Catnip Tea (everything for very small children)
Cholesterol— Suma, Hawthorn Berries, HE-RT, Yucca,
Circulation — Capsicum, Butcher’s Broom, Dong Quai, Garlic, Suma, Horsetail, Blessed Thistle
Cirrhosis — Milk Thistle
Cleansing — CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada
Colds — C-FU, CKLS, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Vitamin C, Red Raspberry,
Lobelia (expectorant)
Colic — CKLS, Ginger, Pennyroyal, Wild Yam
Colitis — Slippery Elm
Colon — CKLS, Aloe Peppermint, Slippery Elm, Cascara Sagrada
Congestion — Lobelia, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Hyssop
Constipation — CKLS, Aloe Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada, Blessed Thistle, Slippery Elm
Contagious Diseases — BP-1, BP-2, Garlic, Lobelia
Convulsions — RH, SH, NVS, Valerian, Lobelia
Coughs — Licorice, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Hyssop,
Slippery Elm
Cramps, Muscle — Alfalfa, Comfrey & Fenugreek
Cramps, Stomach — Ginger
Croup — NVS, Garlic, Mullein, Lobelia
Dandruff — HIR, Black Walnut, Burdock
Depression — NVS, Valerian, Blessed Thistle, Siberian Ginseng
Diabetes —,Uva Ursi & CKLS & 4-PG & Fe-Y & Freed-om, Golden Seal,
Schizandra, Horsetail, Devil’s Claw
Diaper Rash — Olive Oil, Slippery Elm
Diarrhea — CKLS, DA, Red Raspberry, Nettle, Mullein, Slippery Elm
Digestion — DA, CKLS, Red Raspberry, Blessed Thistle, Slippery Elm
Dizziness — CKLS, Aloe Peppermint, Gingko
Douche — Golden Seal, Garlic
Drug Withdrawals — RH, SH, FE-Y
Dysentery — CKLS, SH, Nettle, Mullein
Earache — Lobelia
Ear Infections — Lobelia
Eczema — SK-F, CKLS
Edema — Hawthorn Berries
Emphysema — Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia
Endurance & Energy — Bee Pollen, Cayenne, GGFC, RH, SH,Miracle 2000, Dandelion, Olympic Tone, Fo-Ti-Tieng, Korean Red Ginseng, Suma, Schizandra
Epilepsy — FE-Y, RH, SH, Lobelia
Eyes — E-ye, Eyebright, Golden Seal
Fatigue — RH & SH, GGFC, Bee Pollen, Schizandra
Female Problems — Blessed Thistle, AG-7, Red Raspberry, Black Cohosh, Damiana, Dong Quai, Wild Yam, Sarsaparilla
Fever — NVS, Catnip(Children), Valerian, Red Raspberry, Lobelia, Blessed
Fever blisters — Freed-om, Power Purifier
Fibroid Tumors — Damiana & Freed-om & CKLS & C-1
Fingernails — RH, SH, HIR, Kelp, Horsetail
Flu (any strain)— C-FU, Golden Seal, Red Raspberry
Food Poisoning — Lobelia
Gallbladder, Gallstones — CKLS & Olive Oil, Hydrangea, Blessed Thistle
Gas — DA, Blessed Thistle, Cascara Sagrada, Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Wild Yam
Glands — RH, SH, FE-Y, GGFC, 4-PG, Mullein (swollen), Irish Moss, Horsetail
Gonorrhea — Freed-om, Golden Seal; Hydrangea, Uva Ursi
Goiter — Kelp, Black Walnut, Irish Moss
Gout — ART, Alfalfa, Burdock, Chickweed, Hydrangea
Gravel — Butcher’s Broom
Gums — Capsicum
Hair Loss — HIR, Horsetail
Halitosis — CKLS, Alfalfa, Parsley
Hay Fever — Comfrey & Fenugreek, 4-PG, Alfalfa, Bee Pollen
Headache — NVS, Ginger, Wood Betony, Lobelia, Devil’s Claw, Blessed Thistle
Heart — HE-RT, Capsicum, Red Raspberry, Hawthorn Berries, Blessed
Thistle (strengthens)
Heartburn — HE-RT
Hemorrhage External — Capsicum, White Oak Bark, Mullein
Hemorrhage Internal — Capsicum, White Oak Bark, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein
Hemorrhoids — CKLS, White Oak Bark, Butcher’s Broom
Hepatitis — Milk Thistle, Lobelia
Herpes — Freed-om
High Blood Pressure — BP-1, BP-2
Hoarseness — Licorice
Hormone Imbalance — Damiana; AG-7(women); Power Balancer,Sarsaparilla, Blessed Thistle
Hot Flashes — AG-7, Damiana, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Sarsaparilla
Hyperactivity — NVS, Lobelia
Hyperglycemia — Capsicum, Burdock, Licorice Root
Hypoglycemia — RH, SH, Burdock, Licorice Root
Impotency — RH & SH, Schizandra
Indigestion — CKLS, DA, Capsicum, Ginger
Infection — CKLS, Garlic, Kelp, Slippery Elm (Catarrhal)
Inflammation — CKLS, Butcher’s Broom, Devil’s Claw
Insect Bites — Black Cohosh, Aloe Vera (Plant/Topical)
Insomnia — NVS, Valerian, Lobelia, Mullein
Itching — Yellow Dock, Burdock
Jaundice — Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Butcher’s Broom
Joints — Comfrey & Fenugreek, Sarsaparilla, Mullein (swollen)
Kidneys- — CKLS, Dandelion, Uva Ursi
Kidney Congestion — Milk Thistle
Kidney Stones — Hydrangea, Horsetail
Labor Pains — Red Raspberry
Lactation — Red Raspberry, Blessed Thistle (enriches milk)
Laxative — CKLS, Aloe-Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada, HIR, SK-F,
Psyllium, PAR-K SLIM Pack
Leukemia — Red Clover
Liver — CKLS, Burdock, Dandelion, Wild Yam, Red Clover, Milk Thistle,
Blessed Thistle
Lock Jaw — Lobelia
Lumbago — ART
Lungs — Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss,
Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm
Lungs (bleeding) — Mullein, Hyssop
Lupus—Alfalfa & C-1 & FE-Y & 4-PG & CKLS
Lymphatic Congestion — Mullein
Male Hormones — Sarsaparilla, RH & SH, Damiana
Measles- — Freed-om, Power Purifier
Memory — Gotu Kola, Blessed Thistle, Gingko, Gingko & Gotu Kola, GGFC
Menopause- — RH & SH, Damiana, Dong-Quai, Black Cohosh, AG-7, Red
Menstrual Cramps — Wild Yam, AG-7, Blessed Thistle
Menstruation — Pennyroyal, Damiana, AG-7, Red Raspberry
Menstruation (excessive) — Damiana, Nettle
Migraine Headache — Wood Betony, Lobelia
Miscarriage — Red Raspberry, Lobelia
Morning Sickness — Ginger, Wild Yam
Mouth Sores — Freed-om, Red Raspberry
Mucous Membrane — Comfrey & Fenugreek, C-FU, Red Raspberry,
Mumps — Freed-om, Lobelia
Muscle Pain — Wild Yam
Nausea — DA, Red Raspberry
Nerves — NVS, Valerian, Red Clover, Mullein, Lobelia, Horsetail
Neuralgia — Devil’s Claw
Nightmares — NVS, Suma, Schizandra, Blessed Thistle
Nosebleeds — Horsetail
Nursing Mothers — 4-PG, Blessed Thistle, Red Raspberry
Obesity — Chickweed, Par-K-Slim-Pack, CKLS, Nature’s Promise
Pain — NVS, Valerian, Wood Betony, Mullein
Pancreas — Uva Ursi, Golden Seal
Parasites — CKLS, Aloe Vera, Peppermint, Black Walnut, Golden Seal,
Wormz-B-Gone, Horsetail
Piles — CKLS, Aloe Vera Peppermint, Power Cleanser
Pituitary Gland: — RH, SH, 4-PG, Alfalfa, Korean Red Ginseng
Phlebitis — Butcher’s Broom
Phlegm — Hyssop (hard), Comfrey & Fenugreek
Pleurisy — Mullein, Lobelia, Hyssop
Pneumonia — CKLS, C-FU, Lobelia
Poisoning — CKLS, Freed-om
Poison Ivy and Poison Oak — Yellow Dock
Pregnancy — 4-PG, Ginger, Red Raspberry, Blessed Thistle
Prostate — RH, SH, F-EY, Uva Ursi
Psoriasis — Freed-om, Red Clover
Pulmonary Diseases — Mullein
Pyorrhea — Capsicum
Respiratory — Mullein
Rheumatism — ART & CKLS, Yucca, Nettle, Devil’s Claw
Rheumatic Fever — ART & CKLS, Lobelia
Ringworm — CKLS & Black Walnut
Scarlet Fever — Freed-om
Seizures — Lobelia
Senility — Gotu Kola, Gingko
Sexual Problems — RH, SH, Damiana, Korean Red Ginseng, Sarsaparilla
Shingles — NVS, Valerian
Shock — NVS, CKLS
Sinus — Comfrey & Fenugreek, CKLS, Mullein
Skin Disease — Chaparral, SK-F, Red Clover, Sarsaparilla
Sleep — NVS, Valerian
Smoking — Chickweed, RH, SH
Sores — Mullein
Sore Throat — CKLS, Licorice Root, Hyssop
Spasms — Wild Yam, Red Clover, Lobelia
Spleen — Freed-om, CKLS, Uva Ursi
Sterility — RH, SH, CKLS
Stomach — CKLS, Devil’s Claw
Stress — NVS, Valerian, Suma, Schizandra, Blessed Thistle (hysteria)
Stroke (prevention) — Butcher’s Broom
Sunburn & Sunstroke — Olive Oil
Surgery (preparation for) — Butcher’s Broom
Swelling — CKLS
Swollen Glands — Kelp
Syphilis — Black Walnut
Teeth — CKLS
Teething — Lobelia
Thrombosis (blood clotting) — Butcher’s Broom
Thyroid — Kelp, CKLS, Irish Moss
Tonsillitis — CKLS
Toothaches — Lobelia
Toxins — Red Clover, CKLS
Tuberculosis — Mullein
Tumors — C-1, CKLS, Red Clover
Ulcers — CKLS, Capsicum, Slippery Elm
Urination — Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Horsetail (suppressed, also ulcers),
Butcher’s Broom (scant)
Uterus (strengthen & tone) — Red Raspberry
Vagina — Damiana, Dong Quai, Golden Seal
Varicose Veins — White Oak Bark, Butcher’s Broom
Venereal Disease — Freed-om
Vitality — RH, SH
Vomiting — CKLS, Red Raspberry
Warts — Chaparral, Black Walnut
Weight Loss — Par K Slim Pack, Power Food, Irish Moss, Chickweed, 7
Day Cleanse, Simple 7 Challenge, Guide to Wholistic Healing Through
Cleansing & Fasting
Wheezing — Hyssop
Whooping Cough — Lobelia
Worms — Wormz-B-Gone, CKLS, Aloe Vera Peppermint, Black Walnut,
Lobelia, Hyssop
Yeast Infection— Golden Seal Douche
This information is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to prescribe or diagnose or make claims for medical advice, directly or indirectly. If you have need for medical assistance, please contact your local physician, or medical practitioner.
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An appointment that will change your life
Ardyss International is an old company that offers a new opportunity. Ardyss was started in Mexico in 1989 by the Diaz de Leon Family. In May of 2007, Ardyss International relocated their corporate headquarters to Las Vegas, Nevada and changed from a direct sales model to a network marketing business model.
This change opened the door for thousands of people to be a part of a life-changing network marketing opportunity and presents the chance for them to build a successful home-based business.
Today, Ardyss does business in the United States, Canada, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Mexico with more than 40 distribution centers worldwide. Ardyss is a leader in the Health and Wellness Industry with their ongoing product research and development staff of engineers and doctors. Ardyss has combined the best of industries: Nutrition, Skin Care and Reshaping.
The Ardyss nutritional products have been developed with the health-conscious consumer in mind. Ardyss helps people internally with great nutritional products, one of them being a beverage the Ardyss Le'Vive juice. It has the world's top 5 antioxidant-producing "super fruits" concentrated in one bottle: Pomegranate, Goji, Acai Berry, which is the same berry that Oprah has flown in from Brazil, Noni, and Mangosteen.
The Ardyss Skin Care and Cosmetic lines are quite impressive, as well. The same company that manufactures Estee Lauder also created the skin care line that Ardyss offers. And, the makers of MAC Cosmetics produce Ardyss' line of makeup. Therefore, a consumer can be sure they are still getting a high-quality product even if they aren't familiar with the Ardyss name, yet.
The Ardyss Reshaping line was designed by an orthopedic surgeon, so they have tremendous health benefits, as well. Ardyss has garments for both women and men.
For women, Ardyss has a complete line of body reshaping garments that help restore the shape of the body. What these garments do is called "Lipo Transportation." That means it moves the fatty tissue in the body from where it is to the places it's supposed to be. On a woman's body, there are only two places where fat tissue is necessary: the breasts and buttocks.
The Ardyss Body Magic, their flagship reshaping garment, flattens the tummy, lifts the breasts, reshapes the legs, lifts and reshapes the buttocks, straightens the back and pulls the shoulders back to correct posture, giving a woman the shape and posture she had in her younger years. This garment will allow women to drop 2 to 3 dress sizes in minutes.
If a person wishes to take advantage of the network marketing side of Ardyss International, they may join one of three ways. Start-up costs with Ardyss range from a $30 Membership to a $250 Power Pack association. All three ways to enroll will be plus tax and shipping costs of new distributor kits.
There are several Ardyss distributors earning significant incomes within the first two to six months of starting their Ardyss business, putting them on pace to earn well over six-figures a year in their first year of business. That is highly unheard of in network marketing for that level of income to be reached so quickly, but it's happening everyday in Ardyss International.
As it is well-known, network marketing has created many millionaires in the past. It is no different with Ardyss International. Their solid compensation plan has laid the ground work to allow a person to recoup their initial investment very quickly and make a substantial income.
The Ardyss products are solid in that they are affordable for the average person and gives them instant results, which could make this opportunity very appealing to those who take a closer look.
Even though Ardyss International has been around for nearly twenty years, it is still a ground-floor opportunity for anyone interested in growing a solid home-based business.
If anyone is looking for a ground-floor opportunity, a strong compensation plan, phenomenal products, and strong leadership, Ardyss International seems to deserve a deeper consideration for those searching for a home-based business.
“Making more people healthy, making them happy”
This change opened the door for thousands of people to be a part of a life-changing network marketing opportunity and presents the chance for them to build a successful home-based business.
Today, Ardyss does business in the United States, Canada, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Mexico with more than 40 distribution centers worldwide. Ardyss is a leader in the Health and Wellness Industry with their ongoing product research and development staff of engineers and doctors. Ardyss has combined the best of industries: Nutrition, Skin Care and Reshaping.
The Ardyss nutritional products have been developed with the health-conscious consumer in mind. Ardyss helps people internally with great nutritional products, one of them being a beverage the Ardyss Le'Vive juice. It has the world's top 5 antioxidant-producing "super fruits" concentrated in one bottle: Pomegranate, Goji, Acai Berry, which is the same berry that Oprah has flown in from Brazil, Noni, and Mangosteen.
The Ardyss Skin Care and Cosmetic lines are quite impressive, as well. The same company that manufactures Estee Lauder also created the skin care line that Ardyss offers. And, the makers of MAC Cosmetics produce Ardyss' line of makeup. Therefore, a consumer can be sure they are still getting a high-quality product even if they aren't familiar with the Ardyss name, yet.
The Ardyss Reshaping line was designed by an orthopedic surgeon, so they have tremendous health benefits, as well. Ardyss has garments for both women and men.
For women, Ardyss has a complete line of body reshaping garments that help restore the shape of the body. What these garments do is called "Lipo Transportation." That means it moves the fatty tissue in the body from where it is to the places it's supposed to be. On a woman's body, there are only two places where fat tissue is necessary: the breasts and buttocks.
The Ardyss Body Magic, their flagship reshaping garment, flattens the tummy, lifts the breasts, reshapes the legs, lifts and reshapes the buttocks, straightens the back and pulls the shoulders back to correct posture, giving a woman the shape and posture she had in her younger years. This garment will allow women to drop 2 to 3 dress sizes in minutes.
If a person wishes to take advantage of the network marketing side of Ardyss International, they may join one of three ways. Start-up costs with Ardyss range from a $30 Membership to a $250 Power Pack association. All three ways to enroll will be plus tax and shipping costs of new distributor kits.
There are several Ardyss distributors earning significant incomes within the first two to six months of starting their Ardyss business, putting them on pace to earn well over six-figures a year in their first year of business. That is highly unheard of in network marketing for that level of income to be reached so quickly, but it's happening everyday in Ardyss International.
As it is well-known, network marketing has created many millionaires in the past. It is no different with Ardyss International. Their solid compensation plan has laid the ground work to allow a person to recoup their initial investment very quickly and make a substantial income.
The Ardyss products are solid in that they are affordable for the average person and gives them instant results, which could make this opportunity very appealing to those who take a closer look.
Even though Ardyss International has been around for nearly twenty years, it is still a ground-floor opportunity for anyone interested in growing a solid home-based business.
If anyone is looking for a ground-floor opportunity, a strong compensation plan, phenomenal products, and strong leadership, Ardyss International seems to deserve a deeper consideration for those searching for a home-based business.
“Making more people healthy, making them happy”
Coaching you to weight loss
These products are designed to enhance and reshape my applying this miracle garment while your body transforms before your eyes. REVIVE you through our line of vitamins and nutrition products, and RESTORING your dignity, pride, self esteem and self awareness. You will drop 2-3 sizes without the surgery, dieting, pills or exercising, and experience permanent change in 21 days. Garments are created and designed to restructure the total body by an orthopedic surgeon. YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT!
The products sell themselves and the income is fantastic! God gives you the temple you have, it is your responsibility to take care of it. We must develop healthy eating habits so that we will live out the days of our lives and fulfill purpose. Through this product and company you can become the TOTAL Woman! Most people can do more if they had an extra $500-$1,000 a month! What about you.
Join the DivaPreneur Movement
The products sell themselves and the income is fantastic! God gives you the temple you have, it is your responsibility to take care of it. We must develop healthy eating habits so that we will live out the days of our lives and fulfill purpose. Through this product and company you can become the TOTAL Woman! Most people can do more if they had an extra $500-$1,000 a month! What about you.
Join the DivaPreneur Movement
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